Education Partners — Becoming Helen Keller

About: Education Partners

Educational resources related to the film and compliant with national social studies skill standards and related to the film will be developed for grades 6-12. These will be universally designed and created by The WNET Group’s Kids’ Media and Education Department. Straight Ahead Pictures, Inc.’s long time Disability History Museum Educational Partners are involved with this effort.


Emerging America, Richard Cairn, Director.  Emerging America, is a program of the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES), Northampton, Ma. Since 2010, Emerging America's Library of Congress: Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Program at the CES has led professional development in Massachusetts and across the U.S. 


Keene State College, Graham Warder, Associate Professor, Department of History. Warder has worked with The Disability History Museum, building our digital study collection of records related to the cultural history of disability in the U.S.